We take our responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR) and as a data controller very seriously. We will never use your information in a way that is unlawful or unethical. Access to the data we process is restricted and treated confidentially. We do not process data more than is necessary to achieve our legitimate interests and to provide a service.
Ultimately, any information we store about you is so that we can offer you the best service possible and to share with you information and opportunities that we think you might like to hear about or get involved in. The only other reasons are where there is a legal obligation e.g. financial data and for the accurate preservation of the archival records themselves.
We won’t share your data with third parties other than when necessary for administrative purposes.
If you do not wish to hear from us, you may contact us at any time to make your wishes known and we will ensure that you are no longer contacted. Under the GDPR regulations, you also have a right to erasure in some circumstances.
We will only do this if it is absolutely necessary. We may share relevant information about you with the following organisations in the event that it is a legal requirement, for administrative purposes or to help provide you with a product or service that you have used:
In any and all marketing activities we are committed to behaving responsibly, reasonably and ethically. We endeavour to only contact you about something that we think will be of interest or relevance to you, and if you disagree with our assessment you may always opt out at any time.
Administration, marketing and communications
We will keep data for as long as we consider reasonably necessary to effectively meet administrative, marketing and communications needs.
Financial data
e.g. you made a donation, or you made a purchase on our bookshop.
We will keep information relating to financial history indefinitely. This is so that we can maintain an informed view of the growth and fluctuations in the organisation’s financial position, and to better understand our relationship with donors. In some cases it is also a legal obligation e.g. Gift Aid and other financial records must be kept for a minimum of 7 years. We will only keep basic information necessary to preserve the financial history of the Archive.
Where records relate to the Archive content and to the deposit of collections, we will keep your data indefinitely for administrative and legal purposes and for the purpose of maintaining an accurate Archive resource.
If you do not wish to be contacted by us, you can opt out of communications at any time.
To opt out of all communications, or if you no longer wish to hear from us about a specific activity or in via a particular medium, please contact us and we will respect your wishes.
If you wish us to delete any personal information we currently store about you, in most cases we will be able to respect your wishes and delete all records from all of our data repositories. This is called your right to erasure. However, there may be instances in which there is a reason for keeping some or all of your personal data, which overrides your right to erasure. For example, where there is a legal requirement that we keep your data.
If you wish to find out what information we may store about you, or if you have any questions or wish to make a complaint, please contact us via the contact form on our homepage.